Guys, it's no longer Doni Coni. It's now Donhee Conhee.

On May 12, the new JTBC idol show with MCs Defconn and Jung Hyung Don aired its first episode.
Prior to welcoming their very first guest Wanna One, Defconn and Jung Hyung Don announced that they will no longer go by Doni Coni; the nicknames they used on MBC Every1's 'Weekly Idol'. The duo announced they are now Donhee Conhee - taking the 'Hee' from top journalist and head of JTBC Son Suk Hee.
Donhee Conhee explained that 'Hee' also derives from the Chinese character pronounced 'Hee', meaning happiness.
Donhee Conhee will be meeting K-Pop fans on 'Idol Room' every Saturday. How are you enjoying the new idol show?

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