Netflix original variety series 'The Culprit is You', produced by former SBS producers Jang Hyuk Jae, Jo Hyo Jin, and Kim Joo Hyung of 'X-Man', 'Running Man', 'Family Outing', and more, has confirmed its airing date.
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The cast of 'The Culprit is You' is made up of Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Kwang Soo, Park Min Young, Ahn Jae Wook, Kim Jong Min, EXO's Sehun, and Gugudan's Kim Se Jung, and consists of a detective team which attempts to solve different mysteries each episode. The 10-episode series is set to premiere through Netflix this May 4.
Judging by Yoo Jae Suk's attire on the filming set, 'The Culprit is You' will also likely have a light parody of the popular animated series 'Detective Conan', as the show's title in Korean is the same phrase used by the main character of 'Detective Conan' each episode.
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