CNU wrote a post for his fans.
Hopefully things on their contract renewal will be deicded soon.
With the news of B1A4's contract renewal still being in the air, many BANAs were worried that the group might disband. Possibly aware of his fans concerns, CNU wrote a post in the group's fancafe reading,
Hello, it's CNU. Today is our 7th anniversary since debut. I can't believe it's alreayd been 7 years; time flies. During the 7 years, a lot happened. There were lots of happy moments and we had some hard times, but looking back, everything is a good memory. I believe that's because we had BANA, who always supported and loved us no matter what we were doing.
BANA who used to be in elementary school are now in college. Some have gotten married, and yet others now have children. It makes me realize 7 years is definitely not a short time. I hope that B1A4 were not just singers in your memory, but a friend who walked your life with you. A friend you can count on to share your happy and sad times.
I've been wanting to become someone like that to you, but I don't know if I succeeded. Have we been doing well..? I'm sorry to you and there were things we were't good at, but I want to believe we did okay.
Some people say that 7 years is a long time, and it's time to let go a bit. But I don't want to do that. I'm still young and there is so much I want to do. I believe it's just the beginning now. 7 years is not a short time, but I believe it's also not a long one, either. We've taken our first step and all we have to do now is run. As I've said before, I believe that if I have the members and BANA, I can do anything. Please keep watching over us. As BANA have always been there for us, B1A4 will also always be here.
Thank you for everyone who congratulated us on our 7th year, and I sincerely thank all the staff in WM as wel.
Hopefully things on their contract renewal will be deicded soon.
7 years is a long time, but I know what he means. There's a lot left to do!