'SM Global Package' provides international fans various packages for traveling to Korea and overseas to see their favorite SM artists in concert. For the 'SM Town Live World Tour VI in Dubai', SM Entertainment will be offering an 'SM Charter Flight'.
What's causing controversy is that reportedly, the charter flight package deal includes the following below, including an option for a "same flight with SM artists (Economy class tickets only!)" and an "in-flight event (TBA)".
Some fans seem to believe that these options may consist of fans being able to sit next to, or in close proximity of, other SM artists for the duration of the flight. Other fans deemed that the "in-flight event", details of which has yet to be announced, may likely indicate some sort of interaction with SM artists on the flight, such as a mini fan meeting. Fans backed their speculations by noting that the price of the charter flight package is approximately 4,000,000 KRW (~ 3,800 USD). However, the package does not specify such details, and it is unclear whether or not artists will also be riding in economy class.
Netizens argued that in order to provide fans with some sort of in-flight event during a flight to Dubai, which lasts 9-10 hours, artists would have to wear makeup and would not have any time to rest during the ride. Others are worried about the likelihood of sasaeng fans purchasing the package. Comments ranged from, "But isn't a flight one of the only times where they can rest...", "SM, this is not right", "An in-flight fan meeting? Who thought of such a thing?", "SM only thinks about money", and so on.
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