
[MV & Album Review] Heize – 'Wish & Wind'

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Sunday, March 18, 2018



1. Jenga (Feat. Gaeko)
2. But, Are You (Okay)?
3. Didn't Know Me (I'm Worse)
4. Wish You Well (with Davii)
5. Wind
6. MIANHAE (Sorry)

Chart-topping rapper Heize has just dropped a 6-track EP, her fourth mini-album, 'Wind.' She drags a string of three number 1 hits in her wake, so the former Unpretty Rapstar contestant has done pretty well for herself. The album contains the double title tracks "jenga" (feat. Dynamic Duo's Gaeko), and "But, Are You (Okay)?".


The disc kicks off with "jenga." It's a stripped-down affair, deceptively simple, with a drum machine, guitar, and piano. But that is part of its charm. Heize's voice isn't the most versatile, but she conveys a sort of innocence. It's emotive enough, and Gaeko gives a good account of himself on the raps. There are some nice piano flourishes toward the end. She does a better job vocally on "But, Are You (Okay)?" On this track, her voice is clear and expressive. And it ends with a richer production at the end, without drowning her out. It's a pretty piece, and quite soothing.

The second of the dual-title tracks is "I'm Worse (Didn't know me)." It's a slow one, too, not quite a ballad, more soft R&B. The nice thing is that her voice isn't pitch modulated or auto-tuned -- there's a rawness that makes it more endearing. "Wish You Well" is a funky R&B number that features Davii (whom she worked with closely on this album). He does an okay job, though it seems more like his track featuring Heize. I'll take Heize's vocals over his any day of the week. "Wind" is a purely instrumental track done on the piano. It's alright, but I have to ask why. 

"MIANHAE (Sorry)" is a sweet retro-modern R&B tune. There's a jazzy swing to this which works well, and "mianhae" is a nice hook. The song never loses focus, though, despite some time changes here and there. And I like the understated ending.  

So it's kind of uneven. I kind of like "MIANHAE" better than what they used for the title tracks, and that's not really a good thing. Don't get me wrong -- "Don't Know Me" is really good, but there are songs on this EP I like better. And I'm not sure where "Wind" fits into the mix. It's not a bad album, but it needs a bit of tightening to be truly great.


There's a lot of pseudo-symbolism here, as well as a lot of inexplicable events. Why did she put the flowers in her mouth and light them like a cigarette? Why did she marry a giant teddy bear? And why is she on top of a mountain of furniture piled willy-nilly? The answers to these questions are not to be found here.

Mostly it's just an excuse to show what they can do with special effects and CGI. It must have been fun to set these things up to happen just so. From the pencil acting as a phonograph needle to the jenga tower she sits on, both silhouetted in the moonlight. There's no rhyme or reason in this world -- OCDers beware.

But still, it kept me watching. Heize looks great in green, and the effects were interesting. It was visually arresting, I'll give it that. Not the least of reasons being the star who was at the center of it all.  


This MV made me sad. It picked up a bit at the end, but to watch the disintegration of a good relationship always hits me in the feels. You see the standard scenes of them having fun together, eating together, goofing off, joking around. And then ignoring each others' calls, and the fighting. Kind of depressing.

But it goes along with the tune. The song is reflective, about a lost love who didn't really get her. This one shows that he did know her -- just that a fight made things turn sour. They ended up happy apart, but I still would have liked to see them together.

It is well-filmed, even if seen through a lens of mainly blue hues. They do this to make sure you're not too happy when watching it. Blue is not a welcoming color -- it's cold. Still, it's no less effective at getting you into it. The reactions are on point. I kinda wish they had Heize in the MV instead of the other actress, but maybe that's just me. Overall, a pretty good video.


(MV scores averaged across both MVs)

MV Relevance...........8
MV Production..........8
MV Concept..............8

Album Production.....9
Album Concept.........9
  1. Heize
  2. WIND
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