Recently, the actor sat down in a cafe for a quick interview after wrapping up his latest MBC drama 'I'm Not a Robot'. He said, "I, too, thought the ratings were a little low. However, aside from the ratings, I think everything was perfect including the actors, the actresses, and the director's vision/color." He continued, "Many people didn't know I would be interviewed because the drama didn't do so well. Of course, if I only saw the results of the ratings, I probably wouldn't have done it either. But I'm happy about the fact that I was able to film this project and wanted to show off the drama."
Yoo Seung Ho continued to show his love for the drama, with "Of course, there were some things that were lacking, but I didn't want to judge this drama solely based on numbers. Out of all the projects I've filmed up to now, it was the happiest set I've been on. In a way, it could be the happiest project I do, even in the future."
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