On February 14, the actor posted numerous photos via Instagram, sharing his cooking skills to the world.
The images consisted of homemade braised spicy chicken stew along with savory side dishes.
Son Ho Joon also took a proud snapshot with the idol star, saying, "Thankful Yunho. That was one good stew, wasn't it?" #imthecheffortoday, #fanmeeting, #promisefulfilled.
SEE ALSO: Jung Hyung Don shows his remarkable transformation, slims down 21 kg (46.2 lbs)
Seeing this, netizens commented, "Their handsomeness level just went up 2x, how can they be this cute?", "I envy your friendship so much!" "That looks so good, please get together more often."
Meanwhile, Son Ho Joon starred in KBS2 'Confession Couple' while Yunho is preparing for TVXQ's new album slated for March.
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