tvN's upcoming Sat-Sun drama tells the story of police officers - from the lowest field cadets and patrol officers, to their superiors including corporals, captains, and more - as they form the 'Live' team at the 'Hong Il Station'. Each officer has their own, unique story, and each works hard in their own places at one of the busiest, most stressful jobs in the world, in order to earn a living. It stars Lee Kwang Soo, Jung Yoo Mi, Sung Dong Il, Lee Si Un, Jang Hyun Sung, and more.
You can check out the 'Live' team's interesting, fun poster below, and watch Lee Kwang Soo, Jung Yoo Mi, and Bae Sung Woo's comical teaser above, while you wait for the drama to premiere on March 10 at 9PM KST.
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