Nam Tae Hyun wrote, "Seriously, I'm only answering questions about leaving WINNER because they keep asking me in interviews. I don't want to talk about it either. And you say I keep changing my words? If I give you the full details of why I left, you think I'm going to face damages? Shut up while I'm still keeping my reasons buried, and quit with the malicious comments. I dislike fighting. So you all go and cheer for the people you like. I'm not an idol, and I live just fine without piling on some forced image of being kind and working hard. And I work hard on my own, I get the things I want done, done. That's why I live better and eat better and am better off than you all, who sit in a corner in your rooms and curse other people out. If you don't like me, just f*** off please."
To netizens expressing displeasure at news article headlines constantly associating WINNER with Nam Tae Hyun, the band member snapped back, "Then you tell 'Naver' to stop posting articles associating us, or you get a job at 'Naver'."
Some netizens found that Nam Tae Hyun was "being too brutish with his words", "?This is pissing me off... How can he be that selfish...", "pitiful", and more. Others simply chose to cheer on the current WINNER, and urged others to do the same.

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