DAY6's Jae adds a hilarious twist to a fanfic about himself
Posted by jennywill Sunday, December 3, 2017
It's not every day that your fanfic tweet gets read by the idol you're writing about.. and it's definitely rarer to see them add on to it.
But that's exactly what DAY6's Jae did. Who knows how he found the ficlet, as he's not mentioned by name and only through photos (maybe he has a separate account just to follow fans?!), but he found a fan's tweet and added his own joking twist to it.
He suddenly came to the epiphany that he had transcended the very definition of beauty. Brushing the crinkles in his sexy black suit, he valiantly paraded towards her, screeching a victorious roar.
Jae has always been a bit of a joker, interacts often with his fans, and often picks fun at member Wonpil on his Twitter, but this is new even for Jae.
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