On November 24, the actor wrote on his Twitter, "Here's a good tip. If you don't want to see me, you don't have to. You can unfollow me, and not have to waste your energy on typing my name in the search box."
He then left a clever message to the haters out there, "Please guys, just live your own lives. Worry about yourselves and gain confidence in yourself, not me. That is my wish. In all honesty. Thank you guys for the undivided attention once again."
Yoo Ah In added, "Live. Please live your own lives. Not my life. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Please save them. Save me... I'm not a professional fighter but I feel like I've been beaten numerous times by hundreds of people. I have come to realize this was all training for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Since then, #?? ??? (#whoisyooahin) trended worldwide.
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