The channel broadcasted the 54th Grand Bell Awards live. Actress Choi Hee Seo had received both the New Actress Award as well as the Best Actress Award, but during her speech, TV Chosun staff's blatant rudeness was aired live.
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The actress' acceptance speech ran a little long, as no one (including herself) expected the small-scale movie 'Anarchist from Colony' or its rookie actress to be awarded such a big award. She shyly apologized, "I don't think I will ever have this chance again, so my speech is getting a little long," and MC Shin Hyun Joon encouraged her by saying, "Relax and say all you want. It's okay."
With his encouragement, she finished her 4-minute long speech, but viewers heard not just her voice, but the TV Chosun staff who rudely said, "Stop already," "She's driving me nuts", "Who the **** is she?", and more throughout her speech. When showing Director Lee Joon Ik for her movie, the staff were heard saying, "Lee Joon Ik is in the audience. The baldy in the back. Is this dude not the right person?".
Viewers were outraged by not just the mistake in broadcast, but the fact that they were being so rude to an actress and the director. The comments were wiped in their uploaded YouTube stream, and TV Chosun has not yet offered an apology to either the actress or the director.
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