We see now what Woo Tak dreamt, and it's bad. So he changes things up slightly to prevent So Yoon impaling her hand with a chopstick. Yoo Bum tries intimidating So Yoon and her mom, but Jae Chan puts a stop to it. Meanwhile, So Yoon's mom announces that the Evan Foundation wants to support So Yoon's piano career, and she'll be studying abroad.
Jae Chan gets a call the following day with a hot tip from Hong Joo and Woo Tak that he needs to have Investigator Choi do the face to face investigation to get a conviction. Yoo Bum looks like he dominates the debate, but that's only because Choi is so passive and agreeable, and quickly turns the tables on Park Jun Mo and Yoo Bum. Jae Chan takes over and puts Yoo Bum in his place. And, after all this, a conviction is made.

But Jae Chan is unsure of all the people pulling for him. He's afraid he'll fail and let people down. He visits his dad's grave and mulls it over. Then finally, he gives Hong Joo a call and lets her know he's not rejecting her support anymore. And they kiss while cherry blossoms fall around them.
As much as I've shipped Jae Chan and Hong Joo, I find their relationship interesting. It's not "I wake up in the morning next to you," but more of a friendship. A mutual support system. She keeps pushing for a kiss, and a fall in love style romance, but I don't think it's going there. Not yet. He needs to be more sure of himself, and the more things he does right, the better.

And the chemistry between them is great. Lee Jong Suk is great as Jae Chan, and Suzy does a bang-up job as strong, independent Hong Joo. The two actors work so well together that they may as well be together IRL. I like how he keeps her at arm's length, and yet we're still pulling for them to be together. He just seems like a good guy. And so does she. It's so much warmer and inviting than two broken people who don't know what they want.
I love the blend of thrills and romance and comedy. There's no one running around with a gun, no serial killer style threats, no kidnappings. But they manage to make everything seem hella dramatic. Which is how it's supposed to be. I love some of the antics, like Jae Chan slamming his hand down on a desk to make a point, the kissing, and the cute touches that make these characters seem real. I never was much for courtroom dramas, but this is absolutely top notch.

Yeah, this drama still tops my list. And the way they're going, it probably will continue to do so.
We see now what Woo Tak dreamt, and it's bad. So he changes things up slightly to prevent So Yoon impaling her hand with a chopstick. Yoo Bum tries intimidating So Yoon and her mom, but Jae Chan puts a stop to it. Meanwhile, So Yoon's mom announces that the Evan Foundation wants to support So Yoon's piano career, and she'll be studying abroad.
Jae Chan gets a call the following day with a hot tip from Hong Joo and Woo Tak that he needs to have Investigator Choi do the face to face investigation to get a conviction. Yoo Bum looks like he dominates the debate, but that's only because Choi is so passive and agreeable, and quickly turns the tables on Park Jun Mo and Yoo Bum. Jae Chan takes over and puts Yoo Bum in his place. And, after all this, a conviction is made.

But Jae Chan is unsure of all the people pulling for him. He's afraid he'll fail and let people down. He visits his dad's grave and mulls it over. Then finally, he gives Hong Joo a call and lets her know he's not rejecting her support anymore. And they kiss while cherry blossoms fall around them.
As much as I've shipped Jae Chan and Hong Joo, I find their relationship interesting. It's not "I wake up in the morning next to you," but more of a friendship. A mutual support system. She keeps pushing for a kiss, and a fall in love style romance, but I don't think it's going there. Not yet. He needs to be more sure of himself, and the more things he does right, the better.

And the chemistry between them is great. Lee Jong Suk is great as Jae Chan, and Suzy does a bang-up job as strong, independent Hong Joo. The two actors work so well together that they may as well be together IRL. I like how he keeps her at arm's length, and yet we're still pulling for them to be together. He just seems like a good guy. And so does she. It's so much warmer and inviting than two broken people who don't know what they want.
I love the blend of thrills and romance and comedy. There's no one running around with a gun, no serial killer style threats, no kidnappings. But they manage to make everything seem hella dramatic. Which is how it's supposed to be. I love some of the antics, like Jae Chan slamming his hand down on a desk to make a point, the kissing, and the cute touches that make these characters seem real. I never was much for courtroom dramas, but this is absolutely top notch.

Yeah, this drama still tops my list. And the way they're going, it probably will continue to do so.
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