The recent podcast of K-Stop with the hosts Jeff Benjamin, Tina Xu, and Brooke Bunce angered many After the backlash, the episode was taken offline and all the re-uploads by fans were quickly taken down by Fuse. In response, Jeff Benjamin issued an apology and announced the cancellation of K-Stop via Twitter. He stated, "After hearing from offended fans, I thought and reflected deeply about what had happened and what was the right response. I contacted my higher-ups to suggest the right thing to do would be to cancel the podcast in response." He then apologized, "I am sorry to anyone who was offended by my colleagues' words as well as my own lack of immediate response." Lastly, he emphasized "the tremendous amount of respect" he has for K-Pop artists. You can read the full post by Jeff Benjamin below. itsherbts
Fuse TV's K-Pop podcast canceled after making insulting comments about BTS and G-Friend

Fuse TV's K-Pop podcast, K-Stop, has been canceled following a controversial broadcast.
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