The members were gathered around a camp fire at night when Yang Dong Geun suddenly broke out in tears, surprising the cast members.
Once prodded, Yang Dong Geun began, "I was originally scheduled to go on the 'New Zealand' special back in April. Prior to the trip, Joy got into an unexpected accident. I couldn't go to the shoot because of her accident. [Joy] had experienced an airway obstruction, and when I held her, she wasn't breathing. I began to shake her... the reason I choked up while caring for the fire... When I shake the firewood, the fire comes to life inside it. The act of shaking the firewood reminded me of how Joy was lifeless in my arms when I shook her then... But [the fire] is also like a life coming to... the red light is like the heart has woken back up to life..."
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The rapper then confessed that during the incident, he wasn't able to cry and stayed alert because his wife was hysterical, and felt almost suspicious of himself for not showing any tears afterward. It seems the emotions he'd held back at the time finally came up, thanks to the fire.
When asked how Joy was now, Yang Dong Geun replied, "Now, she's very healthy, and beautiful. I feel bad for my two sons because I only talk about Joy, but sorry boys, to a father, a daughter is the best."

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