The drama stars actor Nam Goong Min, playing the role of an unqualified journalist Han Moo Young. He can be seen wearing shabby clothes while holding a pen in his hand. Actor Yoo Joon Sang takes on the role of a conceptual journalist Lee Seok Min. He appears to be peeking through the blinds of the window.
Actress Uhm Ji Won looks dashing as bold prosecutor Kwon So Ra, with her hair neatly tied back, dressed in professional attire. Actor Moon Sung Geun demonstrates his sharp charisma as the chairman of a newspaper company, Goo Tae Won. Last but not least, Jeon Hye Bin acts as Lee Seok Min's sidekick, playing the part of photographer Oh Yoo Kyung.
'Manipulate' revolves around the world of journalists as they fight to report the truth and expose falsehood. The first episode is scheduled to air on July 24!
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