Kai was the first member of EXO to greet fans with teasers for ''Ko Ko Bop''. In the teaser photos and videos, Kai captivated with his charisma and also surprised many with tattoos and dreads. Out of all, the idol star's hairstyle is gaining the most attention as Kai is accused of cultural appropriation.

Many expressed concerns about Kai's ''inappropriate'' style. A lot of fans also compared the current controversy to the similar issue regarding GOT7's Jackson.
Last month, Jackson received criticism for wearing dreads in a 'Pepsi' ad, which the idol responded, "LOL... that's ridiculous."

Kai sported dreadlocks back in the "Growl" days as well:
While the debate about cultural appropriation with Kai's hairstyle continues, EXO-Ls are receiving criticism for their alleged hypocritical reaction to the issue.
Comments stated, "Where's the EXO-Ls who came for and dragged Jackson wearing dreads now that Kai is wearing dreads too?", "So nobody gonna talk about Kai's horrible dreads in that EXO teaser? Yall were awfully loud about Jacksons", "They like Kai's dreads and it's ok for some EXO-Ls but when it comes to Jackson it's appropriating culture and it makes him racists. lol ok."
What are your thoughts on the issue regarding Kai's dreadlocks?
Tip: Kim
He is culture appropriating