She commented, "Dancing is like doing yoga. I find both yoga and dance to be particularly similar." When the news anchor asked if she was afraid of receiving feedback from the masses after four long years, she replied, "I wasn't afraid. I was actually excited. Since I am doing what I enjoy now I have more energy to emit," she answered confidently.
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Lee Hyori then mentioned, "There is a total of ten songs on this album, and I wrote and composed all of them myself. I was on Jeju Island for about 3 years so I guess I had a lot of time on my hands. I wrote the lyrics whenever I had the chance and also worked on the melody."
The diva recently made a comeback with "Seoul" MV, and is set to release her full 6th album 'BLACK' next month. Her new reality series 'Hyori's Bed and Breakfast' is also receiving much attention, kicking off with 5.8% in viewer ratings.
Lee Hyori tem uma voz to melodiosa e ela adora cantar msicas em sua lngua nativa. No entendo a lngua dela, mas ainda assim, adoro ouvir msicas dela. Ela mantm meu humor tranquilo e feliz ao longo do dia com suas canes fabulosas. Depois de ouvir as msicas dela, gosto de visitar o site para verificar o plgio do meu trabalho para que eu pudesse torn-lo perfeito.