Recently, Hyung Eun appeared on BJ Rose's Afreeca TV broadcast. During the show, a viewer asked a question about BTS and Hyung Eun commented, "I totally lost interest in them." She specifically talked about V and said, "He was dancing but he must've had athlete's foot because he was wearing slippers..."
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Following the broadcast, netizens criticized Hyung Eun for her rudely talking about sunbae group BTS without using honorifics and claiming V had athlete's foot.
BJ Rose deleted the video in response to the criticism. Hyung Eun also uploaded an apology on Instagram but soon deleted all of her posts and turned her account to private.
Shortly after the controversy, an exclusive report by Ilgan Sports revealed that BULLDOK plans to promote as a group of 4 without Hyung Eun from now. The reason is due to Hyung Eun's health issues.
Netizens commented, "Hyung Eun, please apologize properly before you leave the group. Your apology didn't seem sincere at all. You need to give proper feedback'', "She's sick.... Well, I hope you get better but you need to apologize to Tae Hyung before you go..."
Although Hyung Eun's departure from BULLDOK does not seem to have any relations to the controversy involving V, her departure is currently gaining greater attention due to her comments about BTS.
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