The group recently made their long-awaited comeback with 'Fate Number For'. Ten Asia asked if they feel pressured to continue the great legacy set by their YG senior group Big Bang, who won't be able to promote as a whole group of 5 for awhile due to mandatory military service.
Kang Seung Yoon answered, "How can we possibly fill in the emptiness of Big Bang sunbaenim? (laugh) We are still lacking. But it's necessary for us to build WINNER's own music with the goal of becoming a group with continuous growth like Big Bang. In order to do so, I think it's our responsibility to set the right direction."
Lee Seung Hoon added, "YG's new building is being completed. It's not an exaggeration to say that Big Bang sunbaenim built it. As for us, we will work hard to improve the welfare of YG employees who work in the building." He brought laughter as he added, "YG employees, please give us a round of applause."
WINNER also talked about their 'rival' group iKON. The two teams have engaged in competitions since pre-debut, and they might be competing on the charts soon as reports stated that iKON is also scheduled for a comeback in the near future.
Regarding the possibility of promoting at the same period, Kang Seung Yoon commented, "I think it'll be fun. I think we'll be loud and playful in the waiting rooms. I think it'll also be fun to compete with them on the charts. Their music has a different vibe to ours. I think the public will enjoy the different vibes. I heard that iKON's new songs are good too. I'm looking forward to it."
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