Recently, posts about 'Produce 101' contestant Samuel Kim (also known as Punch) being bullied had worried fans.

The following two photos had spread online, claiming that Samuel was often bullied in school. The account told of how Samuel had been on the stairs carrying his textbooks, but a classmate punched him hard while making fun of his stage name 'Punch', so he had to pick everything up. If he was not present at roll call, students would say he had dropped out, and classmates would imitate and make fun of his MVs. The account further told how people even imitated and made fun of his 'Produce 101' introduction.

The post led fans to believe it was true because of the photo uploaded flipping Samuel off. However, it's turned out now that someone had made up the rumors using a photo that Samuel's friend uploaded as a joke.
The following exchange shows the friend talking to Samuel as he asks if he could upload Samuel's photo:

1: Muel.
S: What's up?
1: Can I upload a photo of you on Instagram?
S: What photo? Don't upload anything weird.
1: Nothing like that. This. *Attached photo*
S: You can't ?????????? If you really upload me, you'll be done for.
1: Eh? Why?
S: I'm following you, so fans will go follow you too.
S: What's up?
1: Can I upload a photo of you on Instagram?
S: What photo? Don't upload anything weird.
1: Nothing like that. This. *Attached photo*
S: You can't ?????????? If you really upload me, you'll be done for.
1: Eh? Why?
S: I'm following you, so fans will go follow you too.
The rest of the conversation is not uploaded, but it is clear that the two are friends and the photo was taken as a joke. Fans are annoyed that someone misused a photo to make up claims that Samuel Kim was bullied, but it's a relief that he is not the victim of bullying.
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