On February 22, 'Weekly Idol' introduced their new 'Masked Idol: Your Name Is' segment. This is a segment where idols who are wearing masks over their heads compete against one another in various contests. The winner gets to unmask themselves and they can promote both himself/herself and their idol group to the 'Weekly Idol' audience. The winner of the first 'Masked Idol' segment last week was ASTRO's MJ.
A total of four idol stars appeared wearing cardboard boxes over their heads this week, disguising their identities. After figuring out the clues, the second 'masked idol' to win was none other than MONSTA X member Shownu.
Following the unmasking, 'Weekly Idol' gave a brief rundown of Shownu and MONSTA X's career.
MC Jung Hyung Don commented, "I knew it was Shownu after hearing an animal noise coming from the middle." Shownu replied, "It was a bit nerve-wracking but fun."
Afterward, Shownu gave a powerful performance, dancing to the music. Get that free promotion Shownu!
SEE ALSO: Jung Hyung Don shows his remarkable transformation, slims down 21 kg (46.2 lbs)
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