During an interview with Sports DongA, Nayeon revealed, "At first, all we heard was that he was going to make an appearance. After watching the MV, we shared a screenshot of J.Y. Park PD nim in our group chat and even had it as our profile pics. (laugh)"
Dahyun added, "Each of us took about an hour or longer to film a cut. But J.Y. Park pd-nim had a different vibe during filming. We were watching him and he got an 'OK' in about 3 tries. Actually, not even 3. He got an 'OK' in about 2 tries and finished filming."
Nayeon explained the scene in detail, saying, "J.Y. Park pd-nim wasn't actually right in front of us during that scene. We were just imagining and made facial expressions of disappointment. But a lot of comments said that it was really realistic." Jungyeon also commented, "PD nim shared that on SNS, too. He said we looked too disappointed. (laugh)"
Lastly, Jihyo shared the encouraging words J.Y. Park gave to TWICE. She said, "After our concert, he told us to work harder and show more of our talent. He said we did good and that he's proud of us." When asked if he ever scolds at them, TWICE revealed, "He doesn't scold us. We haven't heard him say bad things to us since 'Sixteen'."
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