The co-stars from the drama 'Missing 9' recently met off the screen at 'E-Daily Culture Awards'. On February 16, Lee Sun Bin shared a selca with Chanyeol on Instagram with the caption, "I found Lee Yeol who was hiding at the award ceremony lol" She jokingly added, " I thought he was Toben.. (Chanyeol's puppy)"
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Under the post, Chanyeol left a friendly comment and joked about the awkwardness of meeting her off drama sets. He said, "Hahahaha I don't think we should meet with full makeup... Next time, let's attend as presenters with ('Missing 9') makeup."
Lee Sun Bin responded, "Yeah, I think that'll be more comfortable lol Let's just say hi and walk away when we have full makeup done because it's awkward ^^ lol"
It looks like Chanyeol and Lee Sun Bin got pretty close during filming for 'Missing 9'!
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