On the February 5 live online broadcast for 'My Little Television', the two AOA members, Seolhyun's dog Dungchee, and dog trainer Kang Hyung Wook appeared for the special titled 'Is Your Dog Happy?'
Kang Hyung Wook successfully shared useful training tips with Dungchee as an example. However, things got a little out of hand when Dungchee started to show an obsession with Mina's legs. Seolhyun's dog kept on following Mina and humped on her leg non-stop.
To this, some netizens humorously reacted with comments, "Omg he's so horny", "The dog even knows Mina's pretty hahaha", "He must not be a dog..", and more.
On the other hand, some worried for Mina, saying, "She must felt embarrassed..", "Hul, I feel bad for Mina. I would've hit the dog and told him to go away if I were here", "It must've been hard for Mina."
Some even criticized trainer Kang Hyung Wook, who told Mina to not get mad and hold still. Netizens commented, "He obviously doesn't know what he's doing", "I thought he was professional but he must not be", "The trainer is stupid. He should've yelled at the dog", etc.
Watch Dungchee's obsession with Mina in the clip above. What do you think of the situation?
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