Celeb brothers Taewoon and Zico appeared on the January 5 airing of 'Happy Together 3'!
On this day, they were asked a sensitive question: "Your parents are undoubtedly proud of both their sons. Still, they probably are prouder of one son. Who might that be?"
Zico replied, "My older brother debuted first, so at first, it was him. After I debuted, it was me. Then he went on 'Show Me the Money,' so it was him again. Right now, it's been me for a while."
Taewoon said, "It's been like that for a while. I also want to receive some attention, but the focus keeps going to my younger brother."
Yoo Jae Suk commented, "It seems like you're being cautious around Zico," and Taewoon said, "In the past, I was comfortable [around him]. But these days, for some reason, I keep using the most honorary terms on him," and laughed. Meaning, he would speak in polite terms even though he's speaking to his younger brother.
Taewoon concluded, "It's not that I'm cautious around him but that the gap between us got so big."

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