Back in December, a controversy arose after a video of Wooshin allegedly touching IOI Jeon So Mi's chest with his hand went viral. Netizens got into a heated debate on whether his touch was accidental or not. As the controversy continued to grow, Wooshin was criticized and showered with malicious comments.
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To put an end to the rumors, accusations, and all malicious content, Wooshin's label, Top Media, is taking legal action.
On January 14, Top Media officially announced,
"We're taking legal action against rumors, any content, malicious editing, and false information regarding Wooshin and Jeon So Mi's video that was revealed via 'The Show's SNS back on December 24.
We have checked with 'The Show's associates, the MCs themselves, and both labels, and presented clear official statements. However, posts, maliciously edited content, and more, attacking the rights of our artist, continued to surface. Therefore, we have completed the process of taking legal action against all content containing false information.
In addition, we have submitted a video analysis carried out by the Forensic Imaging Analysis Laboratory (Dr. Hwang Min Gu), as proof showing that the controversial video was a misunderstanding that occurred due to the angle it was filmed in.
We will continue to monitor and take legal action against the false information and malicious content regarding the artists of our label.
Thank you."
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