SEE ALSO: Kim Sun Ah gives an update on late Sulli's cat
On January 23, Sulli shared a photo of herself smiling big into the camera, wearing nothing but denim overalls. At a glance, it might just seem like any other photo of Sulli, but of course, netizens with their eagle eyes caught onto a supposed controversial issue in the cut.

Don't see it yet? Maybe the photos below will help you understand what netizens are arguing about.
Just in case you still don't know what the hell is going on, the photo below provided by a netizen pinpoints the issue.

Some netizens are denying nipple exposure, commenting, "There's no way it can be located there", "See what??", "What are you talking about? The aloe vera in the back?", "It's too far back and too up at the top." On the other hand, some netizens are positive that the dark spot is a nipple, posting, "Seriously, it's possible in that posture she's in", "If you pull your arms back like that then it'll be in that position", "Daebak, I totally see it."
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