JYJ's Jaejoong is being criticized for making a misogynistic statement.
According to a fan who attended the singer's concert on January 22, Jaejoong shocked fans as he said, "All you guys who just booed probably don't have boyfriends, right? Currently, the birthrate is low in our country. Pregnancy before marriage is not even a bad thing nowadays. It seems like there are a lot of good male fans here, so get their number and you know? And since this [venue] is near universities, there are a lot [of guys] outside."
The fan took out her anger and disappointment on the Facebook page, 'Misogyny in Korea', and explained that she was greatly turned off by Jaejoong's offensive statement, referring to women as a birth-giving tool. The fan also pointed out that the low birthrate in Korea is not the fault of women alone, and that a one-night stand is definitely not the answer to the issue.
Netizens also joined in to criticize, commenting, "He's crazy... I thought I read it wrong", "He has to be careful of his words", "Does he want his fans to have a sex party after his concert or something? He does not know what to say and not to say", "Did he think that as a joke? He must think his fans are fools."
What are your thoughts on Jaejoong's controversial statement?

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