Black Pink shared about their debut year and goals for 2017.
In an interview on January 19, Jisoo picked the time Black Pink won #1 as the happiest moment of 2016. Jennie agreed and said, "Honestly, we didn't have big expectations for our first album so we just waited, hoping to get noticed. When we actually won #1, it felt unreal. We were also startled at the fact that the public noticed us and listened to our songs. It was unbelievable. It was also more meaningful because we didn't win #1 at once but slowly climbed up the charts. The members screamed and even danced when we reached #1."
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Rose shared next, "The time we won the 'Rookies Award' was memorable for me. I was grateful for those who worked hard for us and it made me happy."
For 2017, Black Pink had new goals. Jisoo first revealed, "I hope we become big issues. I want us to become the big issue to people in varying age groups." Lisa shared next, "I want us to be more noticed to people and with good sides of us in every song we release." Jennie added, "This year, we want to work hard in both our album and broadcast promotions so each and every member can be more noticed."
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