A theory about when and why President Park Geun Hye will resign is going viral on Korean online communities in the middle of the continued efforts to get President Park out of the office.
According to the theory, President Park will resign 3-4 days after December 21 -- because around December 21 is when Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary-General, begins his Christmas vacation and will be able to return to Korea.
The reason why the Secretary-General is important in this scenario, according to the theory, is because as the Korean citizens demand President Park's resignation, Park will have no choice but to utilize Ban Ki Moon, who is known to be friendly towards President Park and her party.
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The theory also says that Ban Ki Moon will present himself as the one who persuades Park to resign from her post, win over the citizens' trust and popularity run to become the next president -- since the country will have to elect a new president within 60 days of Park's resignation, according to the Constitution.
This theory is enraging some netizens. One wrote, "Ban Ki-Moon is the worst UN Secretary-General in the history of UN." Another responded, "Ban Ki-Moon ignored Sewol Ferry incident because his greed for power blinded him, even thought he was supposed to work for world peace and human rights."
Korean citizens continue to protest; last weekend, over 1.5 million people gathered. This weekend, a similar number of citizens are expected to gather and march closely to the Blue House, the presidential residence.

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