B1A4's Baro and Gongchan showed up to represent their team, while Changsub, Eunkwang, and Hyunsik came as representatives of BTOB. Gongchan shows his skills, which he claimed to be on par with VIXX's Hongbin (who he plays with regularly and impressed with his mastery of the game during VIXX vs. MONSTA X!). In the meantime, Baro went on and on about a soccer game he likes to play during B1A4's interview.
According to BTOB's Hyunsik, he's on a level just below Hongbin. Changsub and Eunkwang seemed comparatively newer to the game, and they strategized with their teammates about sabotaging the other team's play.
So who went up against who in the first round? B1A4 sent out their stronger player Gongchan, while from BTOB sent their least experienced player, Changsub. Without sufficient knowledge of the game's characters or strategies, poor Changsub suffered blow after blow from Gongchan's Roadhog, leading to BTOB's first loss in the individual rounds.
Next week, you'll see Baro face off against Eunkwang! How are you liking the new updates on the 'Overwatch' game?
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