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When the SHINee members realize that the K-Pop scene is currently teaming with talented acts, the members begin wondering if they'll be able to rise to the top once again. Leader Onew begins by pointing out that there's no "K-Pop door that the almighty Key can't open", while Minho scolds Taemin for lacking energy, then proceeds to demonstrate how he can cook a raw drumstick with the flaming charisma from his eyes.
Bling bling Jonghyun then states that his soothing voice will melt all of SHINee World, while the members coo over Jonghyun's abilities. Dubu On-leader finally remarks that his role is to seek out all Sawol who have been cheating on SHINee, send them to the prison that is his his shining smile, and then give them tofu once they get released.
See what conclusion they arrive at after investigating what each member's "1 of 1" is, above. (What a serious and productive discussion.)
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