A Pink's Bomi explained her method of weight loss on a radio show!
One listener asked Bomi, "You became so pretty. Is there a secret?" asking how she lost so much weight. Bomi responded, "I didn't lose that much weight but since I cut my bangs, I receive that kind of comment a lot."
SEE ALSO: A Pink's Chorong marvels over Bomi's significant weight loss
Eunji added, "She did lose a lot of weight," and explained that Bomi worked hard to lose the weight. Bomi stated, "I excerised a lot and did lose weight." When the DJ asked for more specific details about the workout, Bomi answered, "I think doing it consistently is helpful. Whatever it is."
When the DJ commented, "It seems like A Pink eats a lot," Eunji responded, "We eat well," and Bomi answered, "When we are on a diet, we don't eat that much, but right now we're slowly eating more and more," and added that they go on a diet when it is time to release a new album.

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