In her recent hit film 'Tunnel', Bae Doo Na played Ha Jung Woo's wife, desperately waiting for her husband to be rescued from the collapsed tunnel. Her realistic character touched many hearts. During the interview, Bae Doo Na shared, "In 'Tunnel', Sae Hyun is a character who appears with a serious, calm face and sets the vibe while the male characters elevate the fun. So I believed that it would hinder viewers' concentration if I show up with makeup. I purposely made dark circles, wore no makeup, and made my hair greasy. During the first filming, the lighting director prepared a reflector to capture me as beautiful as possible but he was startled when I showed up makeup-less."
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She also talked about her action scenes in Netflix series 'Sense8', and said, "I'm known for being muscle-less, but to show a stronger image in season 2, I exercised hard since last November. I exercised 3 hours a day and participated in stunt rehearsals. I think I exercised about 7 hours a day before the filming in Seoul. My muscles have never been this hard in my life."
Lastly, Bae Doo Na hinted at her upcoming production, and said, "I'm planning to start filming at the end of the year. I think I get healing when working on Korean productions. I like working with a Korean staff and actors. There's a culture of our own. Korean staffs really love movies and they want to create good ones."
More of Bae Doo Na's interview and photos can be found in November issue of 'HIgh Cut'.
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