It is uncertain what exactly launched this whole drama but K-Pop fans had grown outraged when a Miley Cyrus fan supposedly wrote on Twitter that "K-Pop is only known in Asia" and made "other racist comments" along with the hash tag "#RipMileyCyrus." The Miley Cyrus fan had written this Tweet after past pictures from Justin Bieber's concert and EXO's concert in Tokyo, Japan, both of which were held on the same day but at different times, surfaced online.
The tweet was in response to these pictures which seemed to show that Bieber's concert was empty but EXO's concert was packed, and K-Pop fans' claims that EXO is more popular than Bieber. The hash tag "#exosnatchedjustinsfansparty" had even trended on Twitter. However, it appears that the pictures uploaded only showed Bieber's concert after it was over, which led to the misunderstanding that no one showed up to his show.
When the photos went viral, that's when the Miley Cyrus fan supposedly made the claim that "K-Pop is only known in Asia," and K-Pop fans began targeting the pop star on Twitter, dragging her into the drama for something she didn't have a direct involvement in under the assumption she was the one who said those things. Some K-Pop fans are even claiming that it was Cyrus fans who started the "#RipMileyCyrus" hash tag and then blamed the K-Pop fandom. Now the whole K-Pop fandom is involved, and everything seems like a complicated, confusing web.
So far, Cyrus has stayed silent on the whole drama, as K-Pop fans and Cyrus fans continue to wage war on Twitter.
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