The actor said that when he tried to send a coffee cart to the set of 'Sense8,' the American drama series in which his 'The Tunnel' co-star Bae Doo Na appears, the 'Sense8' crew rejected his gift. Ha Jung Woo said, "Bae Doo Na is traveling all over the world to film 'Sense8' season 2, and currently, she happens to be in Korea. So Director Kim Sung Hoon and I tried to send a coffee cart to the filming set but 'Sense8' rejected the offer."
Ha Jung Woo explained, "The Hollywood system is different. There is already a trailer on set so they said they don't need it. Plus, because the filming is progressing rather quickly, so if staff members or actors not linked to the drama visited the set, it could disturb the workflow so they said they won't receive [the coffee cart]."
I'm sure Bae Doo Na will appreciate the thought!
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