Because sometimes, sleeping cross-ways across the bed can be more restful.
As Noh Eul reviews the footage of Joon Young, she sees his confessions of love. Ji Tae formally declares war on his mom to his mom. Noh Eul arrives at Joon Young's just in time to see Jung Eun being driven home and dissolves into tears. Ha Ru casts a love spell to snare Ji Tae, and he texts her right after. He tells her he wants to date, but no physical contact until he graduates(!). He agrees to hold hands, but "little Jik's" reaction makes him uncomfortable. Later, Joon Young wakes to find Noh Eul hacked his lock code. He kicks her out. Ji Tae is told to give up his crusade by several family members. Choi shows up at Joon Young's. Ji Tae meets his father there and informs him he knows that Joon Young is his son. Ji Tae talks with Joon Young and tells him to leave Noh Eul alone and die with dignity. Noh Eul shows up at Young Ok's restaurant and has a weird heart-to-heart with her. Noh Eul shows up while they film the documentary and, while they yell at her, Joon Young stumbles off, sick. She tries to reduce his fever and stay by his side, but he kicks her out again. Ji Tae tails his dad home and makes him promise to stay with mom no matter what. Jung Eun formally severs ties with the Choi's. Jik tries to get advice from Na Ri. Noh Eul, desperate and heartsick, pounds on Joon Young's door, while his former manager calls him and tells him not to play with her heart. Jung Eun shows up, confidently strides forward, and rings the bell. Noh Eul watches in tears as Ji Tae's ex throws her arms around Joon Young...
Okay, this episode did it. I got the feels. I totally spent the last 6-7 minutes all misty-eyed. Whatever Suzy's faults were in the beginning, she made up for it this time. Her performance at the door was heart-rending, and I could see where this was going even though I didn't want it to go there. Of course, it would be perfect if he cast Jung Eun out and let Noh Eul in, but I'm guessing that's not going to happen. I kind want this drama to wrap up, but I'm afraid we're not going to like the way things turn out.
"Look at that face. Does he look innocent to you?"
I was affected by Joon Young's memory problems, too, maybe even more than all the times he lay in fever, drenched in sweat. I'm a Woo Bin fan. Have been since 'School 2013.' And seeing him lose his memory hit me. Being ADHD, my mind seems sieve-like at times, and it can be extremely disorienting to be reminded of things you've forgotten. Like being gaslighted. This also indicates to me that his plans for revenge are being derailed. How can you get justice for Noh Eul if you can't remember what you're supposed to do next?
The will-they-won't-they shtick is growing kind of old. What I really want is for Joon Young is to tell Noh Eul, "I love you, I need you, I don't deserve you," and just move forward. Get her alone and let her know what's going on. Date her on the QT while working to bring down Jung Eun. Now he has her vulnerable and can do what he needs to do. I think this is the essential problem with all the characters is that they can't be honest with each other. And this leads to all sorts of problems. The most honest guy is Joon Young's manager, and he quit anyway. It gets frustrating at times.
If this were a stalker film, this scene would be so wrong.
And I really appreciate the relationship between Jik and Ha Ru. That has to be the cutest relationship I've seen in awhile. I want them to be together, but he seems to have some strict values. It almost seems like he was raised by nuns or something, but it might be a defense mechanism. His sister seems to have relationship issues. Maybe his way of shielding himself from pain is to go all celibate? I don't know, but I want to see a good Ha Ru/Jik kiss before this drama ends.
What more can I say? I enjoyed this episode probably more than I should have, but hey -- what are dramas for other than fun, am I right? I thought this episode was actually pretty good -- they definitely lingered on the edits, cranking the emotional music and letting you feel the scenes. I'm hooked, and will be waiting with bated breath for next week.
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