A topic for a segment on the episode was on sharing, whether it be material goods, food, or personal hygiene items such as a toothbrush. The members of the show heatedly debated whether they would share a toothbrush with their significant others and asked Seungyeon her opinion. Seungyeon replied coolly, "I think sharing a toothbrush is okay."
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When MC Sung Si Kyung questioned her on what she wouldn't share, Seungyeon answered, "Things that are expensive? I get attached to material goods but since a toothbrush is an easily dispensable product, I don't really feel any particular way about it."
Seungyeon further explained, "A while ago, I lent a camera to a friend, and she had placed it carelessly in her bag and completely smashed it. I asked her how she's going to fix it but she said to me, 'We're so close yet you care more for your camera than you do for me. I feel hurt.' She is a really good friend of mine but when money is concerned, I think your attitude can change a bit."

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