One fan supposedly discovered and shared that Cube Entertainment has just now registered the name B2ST as a commodity, or a marketable product, in 3 areas - music albums, advertisements, and artist performances. According to the evidence shared by the fan, the registration for B2ST's name as a commodity lasts from 2015-2016 through 2026.
Fans claim that in the case that B2ST decide not the renew their contracts with Cube Entertainment, due to the registration mentioned above, the B2ST members themselves will not be able to receive any of the revenues made in album sales, advertisements, or performance earnings, other than from songs personally composed. Furthermore, fans suspect that B2ST will not be able to use the group's name outside of Cube Entertainment, including performing songs recorded as the artist B2ST.
Aside from the fact that B2ST may not be able to receive proper payment for the revenues they've acquired for the label if they decide not to stay, fans demand to know why the name has been registered now, when B2ST debuted in 2009.
Other netizens noticed that a similar situation occurred in the case of 4minute, whose name was registered as a commodity in January of 2015.
Do you think what B2uty suspect is true?

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