It's not what it looks like
So, as Bo Nui sequesters Soo Ho in her apartment, Gary Choi scampers off, abandoning their date. Soon, after a contract is banged out, she heads up development on the game she pitched to ZeZe while interviewing every male she meets (looking for Tiger signs). And, at the very end, she finds out Soo Ho was born in the Year of the Tiger...
This episode had quite a few poignant scenes, interspersed with the mildly funny. There was a ton of exposition dumped into an hour, like they were trying to get it out of the way. We know the reason behind Soo Ho's visions of drowning, how Bo Ra was hospitalized, and that Bo Nui blames herself by playing the "if only" game. We also get a glimpse at Soo Ho's mom, and how he takes it out on his employees after she visits. And Gary Choi's dad is someone with whom he cannot reconcile.

Still not what it looks like...
We also have the Law of Unlikely Coincidences in full effect here. Not only is Soo Ho a potential mate for Bo Nui (born in 1986), he's also her new boss. Gary Choi is Bo Nui's childhood friend, and his manager, Amy, was Soo Ho's playmate in their younger years and his first love. And, of course, Soo Ho's mother consults the exact same fortune teller as Bo Nui. Like I said, this is all crammed into the same episode. Plot holes large enough to pilot a Death Star through...
The only problem I have is that the relationships seem a little easy. Gary's going to end up with Bo Nui, Soo Ho and Amy will be together, and that's a wrap. While they'll throw obstacles in the way, that's the best scenario. Maybe I should just relax and enjoy the journey, instead of worrying about the obvious end-point.

Protip: If you fall asleep at work, you're in the wrong job.
Overall, I'm enjoying this a lot, my sarcasm aside. We've got good characters, light-hearted situations, cool concepts, and some nice development. Though for a rom-com, it's light on both. They do set up some conflicts to resolve, however, and I like the potential love triangles. I think I'm sucked in, because our heroine's superstitions don't make it easier on her, which sets up some great gags. I don't trust that fortune teller, though. Hopefully he'll get his comeuppance.
SEE ALSO: Hwang Jung Eum gifts herself a supercar
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