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The new, 5-member B2ST first addressed being at the top of their industry, with leader Doojoon saying, "We're not at the top yet, we're still climbing. More like the foothills. To go up higher with more effort, we've equipped ourselves well."
And what kind of husbands and fathers do B2ST want to be? Kikwang answered, "I think I'll be a father who's good at playing with the kids, like soccer." Yoseob said, "I'll be a husband who returns home early each night!" while Junhyung wants to be a "Rich husband! I want to be a husband who doesn't let his wife envy other wives' possessions."
On getting used to love from their fan club B2uty, Junhyung stated, "We've never gotten used to it. Every time, their love amazes us. We're always wondering if it's acceptable for us to receive so much love." Yoseob added, "There's nothing in the world that's granted to us. Please continue to love B2ST! We'll return the love."
More of B2ST's pictorial can be found in the July issue of 'Ceci'!

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