The actor, who is returning to the small screen with 'Mrs. Cop 2,' said as much during the drama's conference that was held on March 2 at the SBS headquarters. Kim Bum said, "Actors who play villainous roles all say during interviews that they feel great when people curse them out. That means the viewers have totally fallen for their characters. If I also get that judgment, then it'd be good."
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Regarding the comparison to other actors who have also played villainous roles, Kim Bum said, "There are many people playing the antagonists like Nam Goong Min did for 'Remember.' Rather than be worried about the comparison, I'm trying my best to show my own interpretation of an antagonistic character." The actor also added a bit about his role in 'Mrs. Cop 2,' saying, "Lee Roh Joon is not really a psychopath but someone with extreme OCD and the kind of person who hates the feeling of not being in control. I think the fact that he doesn't feel remorse when he does something bad is similar to Nam Goong Min's [character]."
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