Can't get enough of that soundtrack. Hope you like this one:
Trying to demonstrate Gi Chae Sool, Si Woo fails to block Chi Ang's punch, suffering a bloodied lip. But the day of the tournament arrives, and the school is open to the public to compete or watch. Yeob Jung is matched against his brother from outside the school and takes a pounding before going berserk and needing to be restrained, and Chi Ang is bested by Si Woo's power.
But the fun stuff happens between the matches. We learn the boy that Soon Duk's father rescued is Si Woo, and Soon Duk recognizes two of the members of Wang Hao's retinue: they were the ones who kidnapped her. Wang Hao informs the students that Principal Hwang set the fire to the house and rescued Sun Ah, asking a suddenly present Principal if what he just said was true...

Chi Ang's father proves you're never too old to sport a lame haircut
The interaction between Yeob Jung and his brother (introduced just this episode) was intriguing. There's obviously some history between the petulant pupil and Yeob Poong, something more than the larger fighter pounding the tar out of him. True, Yeob Poong used brass knuckles, where our student was unarmed, but there were small hints before the match, Yeob Jung angrily shrugging off a reassuring gesture from his brother. Yeob Poong also acted rudely to his teammate Sun Ah. I have a feeling I know why Yeob Jung is surly, but I want to know more about what's gone on between him and his hyung.
Chi Ang has a thing about losing, and even this episode he was emotionally destroyed when Si Woo defeated him. He felt he had lost absolutely everything -- his father's respect, Soon Duk's love, and his own self-worth. But I have a feeling he may be changing his tune soon. His father is a scheming worm, and Chi Ang has just seen that. This is his time to re-examine everything. I'm hoping he softens like Si Woo has.

A scene from that absolutely awesome martial arts competition.
Speaking of Si Woo, we finally get to see him use the power. He unleashed it to humble Chi Ang, but that wasn't quite his intent. He wanted to win without hurting his friend. He proved that he was a capable and savage fighter in the tournament, so it was a purposeful move to use Gi Chae Sool. I love how he's softened and fallen in love, and not only that, but likely has become the most powerful student at the school.
This episode was one of my particular favorites, where the tournament took center stage for most of it, with flying kicks, devastating blows, and all-around top-notch action. I love the story and the romance, but I also like martial arts flicks, so I was euphoric! So, until it ends its run, make mine Murim! Thoughts?
Can't get enough of that soundtrack. Hope you like this one:
Trying to demonstrate Gi Chae Sool, Si Woo fails to block Chi Ang's punch, suffering a bloodied lip. But the day of the tournament arrives, and the school is open to the public to compete or watch. Yeob Jung is matched against his brother from outside the school and takes a pounding before going berserk and needing to be restrained, and Chi Ang is bested by Si Woo's power.
But the fun stuff happens between the matches. We learn the boy that Soon Duk's father rescued is Si Woo, and Soon Duk recognizes two of the members of Wang Hao's retinue: they were the ones who kidnapped her. Wang Hao informs the students that Principal Hwang set the fire to the house and rescued Sun Ah, asking a suddenly present Principal if what he just said was true...

Chi Ang's father proves you're never too old to sport a lame haircut
The interaction between Yeob Jung and his brother (introduced just this episode) was intriguing. There's obviously some history between the petulant pupil and Yeob Poong, something more than the larger fighter pounding the tar out of him. True, Yeob Poong used brass knuckles, where our student was unarmed, but there were small hints before the match, Yeob Jung angrily shrugging off a reassuring gesture from his brother. Yeob Poong also acted rudely to his teammate Sun Ah. I have a feeling I know why Yeob Jung is surly, but I want to know more about what's gone on between him and his hyung.
Chi Ang has a thing about losing, and even this episode he was emotionally destroyed when Si Woo defeated him. He felt he had lost absolutely everything -- his father's respect, Soon Duk's love, and his own self-worth. But I have a feeling he may be changing his tune soon. His father is a scheming worm, and Chi Ang has just seen that. This is his time to re-examine everything. I'm hoping he softens like Si Woo has.

A scene from that absolutely awesome martial arts competition.
Speaking of Si Woo, we finally get to see him use the power. He unleashed it to humble Chi Ang, but that wasn't quite his intent. He wanted to win without hurting his friend. He proved that he was a capable and savage fighter in the tournament, so it was a purposeful move to use Gi Chae Sool. I love how he's softened and fallen in love, and not only that, but likely has become the most powerful student at the school.
This episode was one of my particular favorites, where the tournament took center stage for most of it, with flying kicks, devastating blows, and all-around top-notch action. I love the story and the romance, but I also like martial arts flicks, so I was euphoric! So, until it ends its run, make mine Murim! Thoughts?
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