The ongoing battle for patent disputes between the two powerhouses, Apple and Samsung, has reached a new landmark. On December 4, the South Korean manufacturer agreed to hand over $548 million to its biggest smartphone rival, Apple, for alleged infringement and patent disputes.
Samsung has stated that this time, they have plans to take the case to the supreme court. They have claimed the right to be reimbursed if they successfully appeal or prove that these patents are invalid.
This case has caught the attention of other industry giants such as Google and Facebook, who have been supporting Samsung's request for a retrial. Many companies stand by Samsung, arguing that if Apple gets their way, the future developments of new technology will be negatively impacted.
Samsung spokeswoman, Danielle Meister Cohen stated, "We are disappointed that the court has agreed to proceed with Apple's grossly exaggerated damage claims regardless of whether the patents are valid."
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