"Stay with me a bit. I'm in so much pain..."
Soo Ah looks over the videos the cheerleading club sent her, asking her to come back. She makes the decision not to study abroad. Her mom battles her over returning and accepting punishment, but mom eventually relents, and Soo Ah returns to school and the club. That night she sleeps like a baby.
Yeon Doo gets jealous of Kim Yeol spending so much time with friends instead of her and decides to make him jealous in return until they finally get their movie night. The couple also find out that their parents are dating, and the thought of them as siblings creeps them out. Principal Choi and Ha Joon's father threaten the jobs of the teachers if Ha Joon doesn't quit the cheerleading club. Ha Joon's father makes his point by beating his son with a wooden practice sword. Choi and Teacher Im are worried about the upcoming corruption investigation. They prepare to defend their jobs. Kim Yeol yells at Ha Joon for quitting and asks if it's because of Yeon Doo...

Movie night
That escalated quickly. It's no wonder that Ha Joon closed himself off, and now he's doing so again, even pushing away Yeon Doo initially before giving her a back hug and crying. He fears his father as much as he loves his friends, and now he needs as much support as he can get. I wonder how he will answer Kim Yeol? I was hoping that he opens up and tells him the truth. I was surprised that he was as curt as he was when he quit.
Like Principal Choi and Teacher Im, I'm worried about the corruption investigation. Choi and Im can get sacked for all care, but the investigation centers around the cheerleading club, claiming that it was formed around Soo Ah and done for the express purpose of making her look good to an Ivy League school. And there's some truth to that, but it's become a real cheerleading club with engaged students and teachers. And it's a big part of these kids' lives. It would be a bad thing to see it shut down.

Kim Yeol's father and Yeon Doo's mother, hand in hand.
It's nice to see Soo Ah back, as Yeon Doo and she settle into an easygoing friendship with good-natured teasing and good old-fashioned chases through the halls. I was honestly surprised to see Yeon Doo spearhead the effort to get her back, but seeing them together brings a smile to my face. They used to be grade-school chums, apparently, and Soo Ah has a lot of lost time to make up for. And that grin that she sports nowadays is pretty infectious.
They finally found out their parents were dating. Kim Yeol's dad couldn't tell him that they were more than just dating, that they had a marriage to plan. It's a comedy of errors, since there was no way the kids or parents really could have known. Kim Yeol and Yeon Doo just started, and Yeon Doo's mom wanted to slow things down a bit. I know it wasn't all played for laughs, but I still chuckled. Sometimes, there's nothing funnier than characters working at cross purposes. And Yeon Doo's nightmares make it even funnier.

Ha Joon being beaten by his father.
There's never a dull moment for this crew. If it's not one thing, it's another, and everything's coming to a head in Episode 12. As we know from previous dramas, nothing is necessarily safe. Not jobs, not lives. I'm pretty sure everything's going to be alright, that Im and Choi will be brought down, and the kids will find a clever way to keep the club going. This episode was painted in broader strokes than most, setting up things for the climax. I can't wait to see it!

"Stay with me a bit. I'm in so much pain..."
Soo Ah looks over the videos the cheerleading club sent her, asking her to come back. She makes the decision not to study abroad. Her mom battles her over returning and accepting punishment, but mom eventually relents, and Soo Ah returns to school and the club. That night she sleeps like a baby.
Yeon Doo gets jealous of Kim Yeol spending so much time with friends instead of her and decides to make him jealous in return until they finally get their movie night. The couple also find out that their parents are dating, and the thought of them as siblings creeps them out. Principal Choi and Ha Joon's father threaten the jobs of the teachers if Ha Joon doesn't quit the cheerleading club. Ha Joon's father makes his point by beating his son with a wooden practice sword. Choi and Teacher Im are worried about the upcoming corruption investigation. They prepare to defend their jobs. Kim Yeol yells at Ha Joon for quitting and asks if it's because of Yeon Doo...

Movie night
That escalated quickly. It's no wonder that Ha Joon closed himself off, and now he's doing so again, even pushing away Yeon Doo initially before giving her a back hug and crying. He fears his father as much as he loves his friends, and now he needs as much support as he can get. I wonder how he will answer Kim Yeol? I was hoping that he opens up and tells him the truth. I was surprised that he was as curt as he was when he quit.
Like Principal Choi and Teacher Im, I'm worried about the corruption investigation. Choi and Im can get sacked for all care, but the investigation centers around the cheerleading club, claiming that it was formed around Soo Ah and done for the express purpose of making her look good to an Ivy League school. And there's some truth to that, but it's become a real cheerleading club with engaged students and teachers. And it's a big part of these kids' lives. It would be a bad thing to see it shut down.

Kim Yeol's father and Yeon Doo's mother, hand in hand.
It's nice to see Soo Ah back, as Yeon Doo and she settle into an easygoing friendship with good-natured teasing and good old-fashioned chases through the halls. I was honestly surprised to see Yeon Doo spearhead the effort to get her back, but seeing them together brings a smile to my face. They used to be grade-school chums, apparently, and Soo Ah has a lot of lost time to make up for. And that grin that she sports nowadays is pretty infectious.
They finally found out their parents were dating. Kim Yeol's dad couldn't tell him that they were more than just dating, that they had a marriage to plan. It's a comedy of errors, since there was no way the kids or parents really could have known. Kim Yeol and Yeon Doo just started, and Yeon Doo's mom wanted to slow things down a bit. I know it wasn't all played for laughs, but I still chuckled. Sometimes, there's nothing funnier than characters working at cross purposes. And Yeon Doo's nightmares make it even funnier.

Ha Joon being beaten by his father.
There's never a dull moment for this crew. If it's not one thing, it's another, and everything's coming to a head in Episode 12. As we know from previous dramas, nothing is necessarily safe. Not jobs, not lives. I'm pretty sure everything's going to be alright, that Im and Choi will be brought down, and the kids will find a clever way to keep the club going. This episode was painted in broader strokes than most, setting up things for the climax. I can't wait to see it!
SEE ALSO: Cha Seung Won’s career moves forward with KeyEast after YG’s restructuring
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