IU is known to be a huge hyukoh fan but how much of a fan is she for Zion.T?
Turns out, hyukoh seems to be the one in her heart, or so Zion.T revealed on the September 2 edition of 'Radio Star.' The MCs--Kyuhyun in particular--were trying to pry out the truth behind Zion.T and IU's relationship but all they were getting from the taciturn singer were terse "Yes" and "No" answers. Kyuhyun, in a last feeble attempt, asked Zion.T if he ever saw IU in a romantic light. But his plans backfired when Zion.T merely answered flatly, "Of course, she is pretty and all." Kim Gu Ra, who was witness to this frustrating exchange, wisecracked, "Do you think maybe you can elongate your responses?"
Kyuhyun then tried a different tactic with Zion.T, asking him, "IU said she is a fan of Taeyang and hyukoh. Don't you get jealous?" This question must have hit the mark, as it elicited a more impassioned reply from Zion.T. He said, "[IU] said she likes my songs but didn't say anything [on 'Infinity Challenge']. Ah...that's how she does it."
Aww. Don't be so jealous Zion.T! IU is probably as big a fan of you as she is of hyukoh.

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