1. My Type
YG's new boy group, iKON, has dropped their first single, "My Type." The group consists of B.I, Bobby, Jinhwan, Junhoe, Yunhyung, Donghyuk and Chanwoo. They spelled the name with a "K" instead of a "C" to promote Korean culture. Members B.I and Bobby had a hand in writing and composing the tune.

"My Type" starts out instantly with vocals, with sort of a jangly guitar eventually keeping time. There are nods to their concept with some rapping from both B.I and Bobby. But there's not a lot to hold onto, and the single didn't really grab me. The vocal work is okay, but there are some flaws. I swear I heard Yunhyung's voice crack at 2:13.
The lyrics are pretty good. They sweetly describe why a particular girl is their "type," instead of merely stating it. They go into the usual details about her eyes, her walk, her smile, but then the lyrics go even further into detail: her cardigan, her hair, her sneakers, etc. That's a nice touch and does give me hope for the band.

This tune is sort of "meh" for me. When I heard about a hip-hop concept, I was hoping for more. Instead we get a watered down pop song that doesn't really have enough hooks to sink your teeth into, and it's not as catchy as the tunes I'm currently into. But as far as the band -- the jury's still out. There are a lot of singles that I think don't represent the best part of the band or the album, so I'd really like to hear more from iKON. They have a lot of promise.
Check out the boys from iKON in their very first MV, "My Type!"
The boys sing while sitting on bleachers, while in a basement recording studio, on some sort of concrete court (like a basketball court), in a classroom, on a scooter on the running track, and staring at girls.
They're in gym clothes, street clothes, and sometimes what looks like school uniforms. The suits with shorts really had to go. Still, mostly the clothes were appropriate to the concept: they were mostly playing around at a school, other than the studio scenes.

The dancing was okay, but nothing amazing. I can tell it's not going to be part of their concept, as everyone was kind of doing his own thing. Not every band is going to dance, so that's fine.
The MV was a little lacking. I supposed it was a good intro to the band, with a generous number of shots for each member. They do their thing in various locations, and the color seemed somewhat muted, too, for reasons unknown to me. I would have liked to see more humor, maybe, or perhaps more of a plot. Instead the MV seemed somewhat lifeless.
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