The vivid blue-colored jersey is decorated with thin, evenly spaced, vertical strips all over and features the 'Looney Tunes' character Sylvester Cat on the back. The word 'Moschino' is also printed in big, bold, black print across the front.
Jonghyun went for the colorful urban look with the shirt, layering it with another 'Moschino' piece on the top and destroyed jeans with heavy leather combat boots on the bottom. His slightly grungy ensemble is accessorized with large square frame glasses and a loose ponytail atop his head.
Dara on the other hand, feminized the jersey the best she could, playing it off as a loose dress which barely comes down to her knees. One interesting point to note about her outfit is that she wore the jersey backwards a la Kris Kross, showing the emblazoned 'Looney Tunes' character to the cameras. Dara layered the shirt as well, but unlike Jonghyun, she wore a white-collared button down shirt underneath. She donned a modest pair of white pumps that look pure upon first glance, but look at it closely and you'll see the pop of bright red! As for the accessories, Dara kept it simple with a single bangle on her right wrist and small earrings.
For this round, I'm going to have to choose Jonghyun. Though I'm unsure how I feel about that awkward-looking ponytail bobbling atop his head, his overall outfit is well put together and I'm liking the rebellious street vibe. Dara of course looks darling as usual, but besides her lean legs, she just looks...shapeless. The jersey just falls too flat on her body, failing to highlight her upper body curves. Maybe she should have gone for a piece that hugged more snugly around her frame instead of hanging in an ungainly manner about her body.
What do you guys think? You can also watch the video clips of the events they attended wearing their outfits to make your final decision!


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