It was a heartfelt, poignant episode of 'Secret Weapon' on August 14 as the contestants embarked on a competition to follow in 'mukbang goddess' Hyeri's footsteps. They had to create a 3-minute video with their family members in which they would have a delicious dinner with their parents.
Solbin's clip showed her with her mother, but after the video played, LABOUM's Solbin became teary-eyed as she relayed her apologetic heart toward her parents. She said, "Because I come out on 'Secret Weapon,' my parents installed a TV in their store. However, I always only come out in last place.." and couldn't hold back her feelings any longer as she began to cry.
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Seeing how heartbroken she was, the others, who most likely could relate, likewise started crying, creating a sea of tears on set. Cheer up girls! You'll start making your fans and parents cry... Keep going strong and you'll make it up to your parents in no time.
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